November Events at Cranford High School

Abby Kelly, Writer

November is a busy month for Cranford High School, as Teachers Convention Week and Thanksgiving coming up. On November 4th and 5th, the fall play, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” will be performed at Trinity Episcopal Church. The performances are at 7:30 pm, and tickets are $15. The following week, students have off on November 8th, 10th, and 11th due to the NJEA Convention. 

November 9th marks the end of the first marking period, as well as the senior class aerial photo, which will be taken from 10:30 am-11:30 am. Photo retakes for underclassmen are also being held on that day for those who wish to participate. On November 14th, junior Naviance tutorials begin. These will occur at lunch in L201 or the counseling conference room until November 18th. November 14th is also the date of the Fall Sports Awards Night, which will be held at 6:30 pm in order to celebrate our fall athletes. 

Later in the month, spring musical auditions will be held. From November 14th through 19th, audition after school. ASVAB testing will also be held at the end of November, on the 23rd from 9 am-12 pm. Soon after, Thanksgiving break will begin. Students will be off from school on November 24th and 25th to enjoy the holiday. Take advantage of this eventful month and the wonderful activities offered by the school, and have a great November.