Mr. Cummo is currently in his second year teaching at CHS and teaches a variety of history courses. Not many people are aware that before stepping into the classroom he was a veteran photojournalist for Wyoming Tribune Eagle in Cheyenne, Wyoming. He also was an official photographer for prestigious tennis tournaments in Indian Wells California and the major league baseball team the Boston Red Sox. These are just a few examples of the incredible photography positions Mr. Cummo had through his career.
Before winter break, Mr. Cummo generously invited me to join him at the CHS Winter Pep Rally to allow me hands-on experience to learn the ins and outs of photography basics. In this piece, I’m excited to share the most valuable tips that Mr. Cummo taught me.
One key principle that Mr. Cummo emphasized to me is the importance of making sure the subject of your photo is the focal point. It is essential to minimize background distractions and stay mindful of what you want to highlight. For instance, in the image below, the focus is lost on the student because of the clutter in the background.
Below is an improved example.
This photo is significantly better because the focal point is obviously the student playing basketball. The background is not overly cluttered or taking away from what the photo is about. However, there is always room for improvement. Although this photo was overall successful, editing/cropping can be done to eliminate unnecessary background.
Below is the corrected version of the photo.
Eliminating even more background creates a more central focus on the student playing basketball.
Now it’s your turn. The next time you’re photographing your vacation or taking pictures with friends for Instagram, apply these tips to elevate the quality of your photos. By paying attention to details, you’ll be able to create quality photos.