How to Celebrate Earth Day at CHS

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Claire Ficarro, Writer

Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22, is an international occasion to rally support for environmental protection. As the climate crisis becomes increasingly severe, Earth Day serves as a reminder that each and every one of us has a responsibility to help our planet. While no one person can single-handedly take on the problem, the combination of small actions from everyone can make all the difference. So here are some ways you can be a part of the solution here at Cranford High School. 

  1. Bring a reusable water bottle – To reduce the amount of plastic bottles being thrown away, bring your own bottle to fill up throughout the day
  2. Pack your lunch in reusable tupperware – Instead of bringing plastic bags that are thrown out at the end of every lunch, bring reusable containers that can be washed. 
  3. Reduce vehicle emissions – If you live close enough, walk or ride your bike to school. Alternatively, carpool with a friend to reduce carbon emissions from cars. 
  4. Don’t waste paper – To reduce the amount of paper you throw out, do some of your assignments online, or do two on one page if you don’t use the whole space.
  5. Get involved in the community – Join river and park cleanups to keep Cranford beautiful and protect wildlife. 
  6. Reuse materials every school year – If binders and folders are still in good condition, use them again the following year. 
  7. Encourage others – Lead the way for the rest of the school by doing your part and spreading the word. Cranford High School has the power to make a difference when the entire community is united under the common goal of sustainability and environmental preservation.